Success Stories
These are actual stories as told to us by people taking our CBD products.

Anxiety, Worry, Insomnia
A 24-year-old married woman from Tallahassee, Florida suffered from constant stress over just about everything. She reacted to ordinary daily challenges as if they were major problems and mishaps. She gots emotionally and mentally derailed by what others would consider ordinary problems – sometimes experiencing full-on panic attacks.
She also had trouble sleeping. And going to counseling offered only moderate benefits.
“I started taking the Endo-C CBD, and right away I slept all night long. Each morning I was rested. My anxiety has gone w-a-y down. I don’t have the constant worries about everything. This may sound funny, but at work I am rational. I don’t have panic attacks when something goes wrong. Honestly, I feel better in every way.”
Multiple Sclerosis
A retired man suffered from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and was declining badly. He was on 5 very strong prescriptions, walked with a cane, dragged one foot behind him as if it were nearly paralyzed, and overall looked like he had aged a dozen years.
He started on Endo-C’s CBD and immediately felt better. He gradually dropped each of his 5 prescriptions, and he takes none now. (We should make a note here that we do not recommend dropping medicines without consulting your doctor. And, by the way, his doctor was amazed at his progress.)
He now walks without a cane and without even so much as a limp.
He still has MS, but its symptoms are controlled. He is healthier, more robust, and energetic.
Pain Relief
A woman suffered a massive brain injury with ongoing pain and partial paralysis. Several post-injury surgeries were required - but doctors said she would have disabilities for the rest of her life.
She refused opioids because they left her incapable of thinking clearly, living normally, or doing anything other than lying around and sleeping. She decided to take double the normal dose of Endo-C CBD each day, and she is now able to manage the chronic pain, to sleep normally at night, and to return to many activities with family and friends. She now has also returned to finish her education, which she would not have been able to do on opioids.
Cancer and Chemotherapy
A retired tradesman was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer about 2 years ago. He had regular chemotherapy and was on opioids for pain. His prognosis was grim. He wanted to enjoy his family – his wife, grown kids and grandchildren – but he had two major problems.
First, he had extreme nausea from his chemo treatments, so he often felt terrible and could not even enjoy eating a meal with his family.
Second, he hated the opioids because it put him a mental fog and he slept all the time.
He started taking Endo-C CBD and he said it returned many aspects to his quality of life.
“It relieved my nausea completely. And what do you do when family gets together? We eat. Now I can feel good, and eat, and be part of the fun.”
Interestingly, at a subsequent scan of his cancer, it was downgraded from Stage 4 to Stage 2. There is no correlation to be made here, but he says CBD allows him to stop taking opioids, feel good and think clearly.
“I simply wanted, in the time I have, to enjoy being with my family. My life is so much better now.”
Migraine Headaches
A 30-year-old man started having debilitating migraine headaches when he was in college. Because of his pain, he could only take 6-9 credits per term, so it took him 8 years to complete his double major. When he graduated, he could only work at a part-time job that allowed him to work from home with flexible hours. His doctor tried a vast array of medications, including opioids. None worked well, and he could only work about 10-15 hours per week.
“Often, to escape the pain, I spent 3 days straight in bed, in a dark room, with no sound, and in a foggy limbo from opioids. I hated it. I had no life.”
He started taking CBD from Endo-C, and it made a world of difference.
“I am completely off opioids. I now work full time, got a huge raise at work, and am going out to places and doing things I never did before. I still struggle with headaches, but they are nothing compared to those migraines.”